Humans have breached almost all of the boundaries that make the Earth a safe and just environment, researchers have said. In quantifying the limits of the planet’s life-support systems, a team of more than 40 international scientists found humans have exceeded seven of the eight Earth System Boundaries (ESBs) they identified. They said social and economic systems based on unsustainable resource extraction and consumption are causing rapid changes that undermine these systems while pushing the Earth towards irreversible destabilisation. Publishing their work in the journal Nature, the scientists analysed climate, biodiversity, freshwater and different kinds of pollution to air, soil and water. They defined safe and just limits as those which regulate the state of the planet, protect other species, reduce significant harm to humans and support inclusive human development. Every year more evidence is produced but the same 1000 white older male decision makers continue with their selfish agenda ignoring all advice as to do so would impact their bottom line. Governments are frightened to disagree as they need these men to keep them in power. Nothing will change unless these men are personally affected and suffer the same pain that the majority of the poor have to endure.

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